11 October 2007

The Republican Heard Survey Results

As promised, The Republican Heard featured a survey last week about national versus state views on the Republican Party. Below are the final results from the survey. This survey is sent to all of the subscribers to "The Republican Heard", the weekly e-newsletter of the Connecticut Republican Party. If you are interested, you can subscribe too, by visiting the CTGOP website and signing up. The survey size was 276 responses. The answers to questions six and seven were check-off boxes, so that readers could check more than one box.

This survey is for informational purposes only. It serves no official function and does not represent any official viewpoint. It is not statisically valid nor is it scientific in nature. The results do not represent the official position of the Connecticut Republican Party.

Do you think the views of Connecticut Republicans generally match those of national Republicans?
Yes (77) 27.9%
No (149) 54.0%
I don't know (40) 14.5%

In general, do you think the views of national Republicans are too conservative, too liberal, or just about right?
They are far too conservative (25) 9.1%
More conservative than I'd like (43) 15.6%
They are just about right (80) 29.0%
More liberal than I'd like (93) 33.7%
They are far too liberal (21) 7.6%
I don't know (5) 1.8%

In general, do you think the views of Connecticut Republicans are too conservative, too liberal, or just about right?
They are far too conservative (5) 1.8%
More conservative than I'd like (16) 5.8%
Just about right (70) 25.4%
More liberal than I'd like (108) 39.1%
They are far too liberal (52) 18.8%
I don't know (17) 6.2%

Do you consider yourself a fiscal conservative?
Yes (244) 88.4%
No (15) 5.4%
I don't know (7) 2.5%

Do you consider yourself a social conservative?
Yes (172) 62.3%
No (84) 30.4%
I don't know (11) 4.0%

On what issues do you wish that Connecticut Republicans were more conservative?
Fiscal Issues (Taxes, Spending, etc) (206) 74.6%
Social Issues (Abortion, Gay Marriage, etc.) (150) 54.3%
Environmental Issues (Global Warming, Pollution, etc.) (83) 30.1%
Entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) (152) 55.1%
Security Issues (Public Safety, etc.) (124) 44.9%
Other (29) 10.5%

On what issues do you wish that Connecticut Republicans were more liberal?
Fiscal Issues (Taxes, Spending, etc.) (15) 5.4%
Social Issues (Abortion, Gay Marriage, etc.) (45) 16.3%
Environmental Issues (Global Warming, Pollution, etc.) (60) 21.7%
Entitlement Issues (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) (31) 11.2%
Security Issues (Public Safety, etc.) (16) 5.8%
Other (26) 9.4%


Anonymous said...

Looks like the many members of the GOP are both fiscally and socially conservative, YET we keep appointing leaders who are both fiscally and socially left leaning. Friends, a moderate is a person without conviction. We don't need moderates and self proclaimed "middle-of-the roaders," we need people who have both conviction and courage and who do not make their decisions by polls or by having "town hall" meetings! We do not need to "reform" our party, we need to "restore" our party, and there is a vast difference between those two concepts. Stop the insanity!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for your comment.

LittleGuyBusinessIdeas said...

First, Thank you for running this survey.
If we don’t care of the elected officials we have that do a Great Job, we are going to lose them.
Saying Thank You does not cost anything. But it goes along way.
What do we do with these "Bad Bees" in the hive that stir up the rest of the net ?
I wrote an article about the Bottomless Pit approach & a State Senator from East of the River & how he just can say NO to any Bond Issue. See Www.vernongop.wordpress.com/2007/09/27/east-hartford-republicans-working-hard . His behavior is reckless and dangerous.
If Forbes magazine can have a top 100 richest why can the Conn GOP have the Top 10 Reckless politicians?

Carl Slicer, blog editor, www.VernonGop.com, "Fiscal Responsibility Must Be Taught".

Unknown said...

Interesting... Thanks for taking the time to comment.

billc142 said...

It seems to me interesting that few of the respondants wanted anything to do with a move to the left, but most wanted a move to the right, especially on issues involving our core values. I hope that those who serve in governmental positions take due notice and govern themselves accodingly.

Anonymous said...

The only candidate with a strong conviction in the Republican nomination for president is Ron Paul.