09 October 2007

The Bonds Between Us

Don Pesci over at Connecticut Commentary has some words directed to the current bonding controversy and the copious heap of pork stuffed in the bill:

"When Gov. Jodi Rell vetoed the Democrat’s $3.2 billion general-obligation bond package rather than submit to a political process that closely resembles earmarking, she not only violated an honored tradition that for years has kept the legislature in Democrat hands; she lubricated the rhetoric that drives the tradition."

This is from yesterday, of course, but the Headless Horseman has a hilarious one about Connecticut's own Don Quijote de La Mancha, senior U.S. Senator Chris Dodd.

"So, if these left-wing bloggers are so powerful, and so heavily influence the politics of our age, how come Dodd can't get out of the basement? His polling numbers still hang somewhere between those of a squirrel from Tallahassee named Reginald, and those of a shirt once worn by Barry Goldwater. Even someone named Margin of Error is beating him."

Headless Horseman, in his second double feature, also had a good one about the insanity of Connecticut's gun laws on CTLP.

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