12 September 2007

Chris Caruso - Man of The People

Democrat sore lose State Representative Chris Caruso is where he wants to be - the victim of injustice and conspiracies from forces hidden and real. Caruso covered himself in glory Tuesday night as he lost to Sen. Bill Finch in the Bridgeport Mayoral primary, immediately saying his defeat was due to voter fraud in Hispanic and African American voting districts.

Now there's a guy who wants to bring people together. Imagine if a Republican accused minority voters of election fraud? Now that would be a public hanging.

"This vote tonight was like an election in a Third World country," Caruso said. "That's what we have in Bridgeport today. They should have brought in the Carter Institute to monitor the election in this Third World country."

Caruso never wants to win. He'd rather be hoisted on a cross and complain that the deck is stacked against him. And so, Caruso has pledged lawsuits to muddy Finch's win. That's good news for Republican candidate Mike Garrett, a responsible honest man who has spent his life trying to reform the cesspool of Bridgeport politics. You can donate to Mike Garrett campaign by sending him a check to Garrett 2007, 120 Carnegie Street, Bridgeport, CT 06610


Anonymous said...

If Caruso were a REAL MAN he'd have gotten drunk and found a college campus to drive around in while trolling for co-eds.

Headless Horseman said...

Wow... that's distinguished company Finch has in that photo. Okay children... can you pick out the addicts and the dealer?