19 July 2007


I went over to the dark side for a few minutes to look at Hillary Clinton's website. Nothing too unusual, except a webpage asking supporters to tell Bill O'Reilly to stop "smearing grassroots progressives."

The uppity call to arms refers to O'Reilly's recent attacks against the Daily Kos for the nasty comments its bloggers leave on its posts.

Hillary's website points out an apparent hypocrisy: Guests on O'Reilly's TV show also express "extreme views:"

You've hosted Michael Savage, who has called MLK Jr. Day a "racket" designed to steal 'white males' birthright.'

You've hosted David Horowitz, who has called Democrats "apologists for terrorists."

You've hosted, Ann Coulter who said of the 9/11 widows: "I have never seen people enjoying their husbands' death so much."

However, these comments are tame when compared to what bloggers spew:

What do you think of someone who says the following: 'The world would be better off without him.' That came after Tony Snow announced his cancer had returned. Or this: 'The Pope is a primate' ... 'evangelicals are nut cases' ... and some attacks against coalition forces in Iraq are legitimate. All of those thoughts were posted on a vicious far-left web site called the DailyKos, one of the worst examples of hatred America has to offer.

Bill O'Reilly should cut the DailyKos some slack: the DailyKos is not responsible for what its nutty bloggers post on it. But our liberal friends should stop stamping their feet over O'Reilly's disgust. O'Reilly can't "smear" them; they're already sullied.

Editors Note: Brian earned the honor of posting, with this article, the 200th Post here at The Everyday Republican. We look forward to many more.