04 December 2007

Kane Posts Win at 32nd District Convention

Watertown Town Councilor Robert J. Kane narrowly won the nomination to run in the 32nd District Special Election next January 15. In a vote of 34 votes to 30 votes, with one delegate from Seymour absent, Mr. Kane defeated State Representative Art O'Neill (R-69th) by just four votes. A special election has been called to fill the seat of resigned Senator Lou DeLuca.

The Convention, held this evening at the Woodbury Senior Center, was chaired by the Chairman of the Connecticut Republican Party, Christopher C. Healy.

We'll have more coverage of now candidate Rob Kane tomorrow.


DC said...

Going into the convention last night there was 4 undecided votes. Simply put, Kane's posse knew who those 4 were and O'Neil didn't. Kane's supporters lobbied them hard and squeaked out a victory. It was the best convention I've ever gone to. Very exciting to see the last minute lobbying. I have to give Arthur O'Neil credit. It was awesome that he wrote the first check for the Kane campaign. A class act indeed.