26 November 2007

Down the Blogroll

Good content abounds this Monday as we go, for the first time in quite some time, down the blogroll.

Don Pesci has an excellent post up, remembering the finer points of former Governor William A. O'Neill.

cttaxed.com is leading today with a thoughtful piece about the implications of a weaker U.S. dollar on Airbus and one of its prime suppliers, Pratt & Whitney.

Danbury Republican Mayor Mark Boughton explains why he is backing former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

Headless Horseman bids farewell to Gov. Bill O'Neill.


Consent of the Governed said...

How about adding capitalistleague.blogspot.com
to your blogroll?

Unknown said...

Ask and you shall receive. And in this case, you have.

The King said...

How about a little outrage over Hartford City Council's November 26th vote to urge Hartford Police to not cooperate with federal authorities or inquire about legal status?

How bright is it to support ILLEGAL immigration, and at the same time spit in the face of the Federal agents who are trying their best to uphold the law. Any hey, I'm all for state's rights, but illegal immigration is a huge issue.

I'm sure Bin Laden's creepy follower were happy about the resolution.

Thoughts Mr. Chairman??