02 October 2007

The Recovery Post

After an unfortunate foray into the eerie world of a 'three column template format' (which I continue to work on here), we are rebuilding the Blogroll, which means that if you are a 'right-minded' blogger in Connecticut and you aren't represented here, perhaps you should send a little e-mail to news@ctgop.org and get on the list.

A new addition, the Connecticut Young Republicans Blog, is advertising for help for its former Executive Director, Jason Perillo who is running for office down in Shelton's 113th District.

Headless Horseman has a great post at his blog on one-term Congressman Chris Murphy. Best line: "These folks think they can make Dodd president. And so they may! But right now he's tied with me in Democratic preference polls, and I'm not even running."

And in an unprecedented move (everything is unprecedented in "Down the Blogroll" - we've only been doing it for three days!) Headless Horseman gets the double feature with a terrific post at CT Local Politics about the U.S. Army - Yale War that has recently concluded, with the military winning in a rout.

Keep checking back as we work on going to the three-column format - it will make the layout signficantly better for the future of The Everyday Republican.