10 September 2007

Huckabee, Petreaus, Primaries, and #2

Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is already taking the fight to newcomer Fred Thompson. Per Huckabee's press release, on Hannity and Colmes the other night, Thompson said that he preferred 'Lincoln-Douglas' style debates to the 8-way press conferences that have been the norm.

The wily Huckabee campaign 'accepted' Thompson's offer and are now working to set up such a debate with Thompson. No word yet from the former Tennessee Senator's campaign on what they will do with this one. In any event, kudos to the Huckabees for being savvy enough to take advantage of the newbie on this one.

The major report from General Petreaus is due out this morning. Senators are already on the floor in Washington discussing Iraq in advance of the report.

Primary day for municipal candidates is tomorrow, Tuesday September 11th. There are a number of good Republican primaries. Look for our review of the results on Wednesday.

And last but not least, thanks to all of the folks that keep coming back to read each day here at The Everyday Republican. Your dedicated leadership has vaulted us up to #2 on BlogNetNews ranking of Most Influential Blogs in Connecticut.