10 August 2007

Popular Pollees

Today's Wall Street Journal marvels at Mitt Romney's well-organized - and well-financed - efforts to win the Ames, Iowa straw poll by a large margin:

His campaign plunked down $25,000 for a prime spot to pitch his tent at the polling center on the campus of Iowa State University, about $10,000 more than other campaigns paid. In his tent, supporters will feast on barbecue from Hickory Park, a well-known restaurant in Ames.

But even if Romney wins, his victory will not guarantee him the caucus' nomination, if history is any indication:

[Big Fisg, Small Pond?]

And pollsters are setting a high hurdle for Romney to jump:

Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster not affiliated with any presidential campaign, said: "The expectations for Romney are such that just winning is a loss. He needs to crush whoever comes in second by a 2-to-1 margin."

My question is - where's the Mitt Mobile going after this?