28 July 2007

Preparing Candidates for Success

In order to build the new Republican majority in Connecticut, we must have candidates ready to wage effective, positive campaign to distribute the GOP message.

Over 100 candidates, representing more than 50 towns, made their way to Glastonbury for the first CTGOP Candidate School of 2007. Connecticut Republicans gathered to learn "tricks of the trade" from some of Connecticut's best Republican political talent.

Connecticut Republicans are working hard this summer to build up our Party - by training our candidates, developing our eCampaign, recruiting new volunteers, and soliciting contributions. CTGOP is rising this summer.


Tim White said...

Dowd Muska is filling in for Dan Lovallo this week (3-6pm) on his radio show.

Tom Tancredo is scheduled for the 5-5:30pm slot today. And I'll be speaking in support (not on behalf) of Dr. Ron Paul from 5:30-6pm.

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