C-SPAN junkies everywhere are stocking up on roasted cashews and seltzer water today, preparing for the ultimate in Tuesday Night YAWn, as the United States Senate will be pulling an all-nighter. Senators will be working round the clock as the Democrat leaders hope to soften up some Republican Senators with some midnight pillow talk on Iraq.
Democrat Leader Harry Reid, the Mormon Leader that no one seems to fear, is trying to pressure President Bush and Republican Senators to shift their positions on the Iraq War, like Sen. Pete Domenici, Sen. Richard Lugar, and others have done in recent weeks. Some are calling the move a needless sideshow, and others are calling it a big opportunity. Regardless of what happens, this showdown may be only a small blip on the path to what is becoming built up as a 'make or break' September report from General Petraus in Iraq.
Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
- Which Senators will draw the worst speaking assignments on the floor, between 2am and 5am?
- Will any of the Presidential candidates, including Connecticut's own Senator Chris Dodd, be making any appearances on the floor during the overnight hours?
- How many of the Senate's "Old Bulls" will be chatting up the Senate at 3:30am?
For the answers to these and other questions, be sure to tune in to C-SPAN throughout the night.
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