06 July 2007

Courant: Healy a Tiger for the GOP

The Courant (Hartford) has a piece about Chairman Chris Healy today in the Connecticut section of the newspaper. Courant writer Rick Green interviewed Chairman Healy recently. Some of the highlights:

"More than anyone, Healy is re-branding Connecticut's insipid Republicans as a more edgy, focused-on-the-issues party of the future."

"We are the most taxed state in the nation for a reason. The Democratic infrastructure has been raising taxes since the 1970s," Healy argues. "We believe there is enough money in the system so we should be cutting taxes."

"One thing I will say about Healy, he is damn good at his job," gushed Melissa Ryan, a blogger on the left-leaning Connecticut Local Politics and member of the Democratic Town Committee in Fairfield.