22 July 2007

Blog Net News Ranks Us Number 2!

In a continuing sign that the Connecticut Republicans are winning in spreading their message on the internet, Blog Net News has just ranked us as the second most influential blog in Connecticut.

The Connecticut Republican Party has been on the forefront in speading their message via the internet. Not only do we have this blog but we also have a MySpace account, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to help spread our positive message across the state.

We invite everyone to continue to please visit our blog page as well as our homepage at ctgop.org. There you can find out how to get involved in your local town committee as well as help make a contribution, we need the lights to stay on.

Thanks to everyone who visits our page and please check back here daily.


Consent of the Governed said...

Congratulations! and Consent of the Governed made it to number 4 this week !
Looks like we are the top 2 Conservative blogs on the list.